7 Tips to Not Gain Weight This Summer
Are you finding it more difficult to eat healthy this summer and worried about a few pounds creeping up on you while things are more relaxed? Maybe you're getting the munchies or pouring extra drinks in the heat and the scale is going up and stays up for a couple days… Don't panic- that’s to be expected and there are some easy things you can do to keep yourself on track and help that number come back down amid the laxity of summer days!
Plan ahead- calories (and macros) work in a budget system just like our time and money so knowing when a big "hit" is coming is helpful so you can prepare- by adjusting what you eat beforehand! Going to have a lot of carbs at night? Eat fewer during the earlier part of the day.
Adjust what you eat based on what you ate and what you do- eat less if you had a heavy splurge the night before, eat more if you were active all day and need more fuel! This seems too easy, doesn't it?
Out of sight out of mind - if you don't want to eat it, don't buy it! Or if you must buy it for whatever reason- keep it out of reach AND out of sight until it's needed. I try to stick to a meal plan to avoid buying extra junk food!
Delay eating at the first tummy rumble - especially if you're trying to lose weight or have been over-indulging lately. We can get used to feeling full and that can make us more sensitive to tummy rumbles. I don't have scientific research supporting this but I know how I always feel post-vacation and my tummy has to be retrained to my normal! Remember you should feel hungry going into a meal! Acknowledge the rumble and continue on until meal time.
If you're uncomfortable feeling hungry or overly sensitive to hangry (I am sometimes!!), drink some water, distract yourself and if mealtime is only an hour away WAIT to eat! If you absolutely cannot wait to eat but meal time is within an hour or so, you can try a water-heavy veggie like cucumbers or celery to add some bulk but not spoil your appetite.
Keep up with your protein! I've noticed with almost all of my clients and myself that whenever protein drops below 15% of their total daily intake (sometimes even 20% if they're lifting weights) that their weight goes UP even if their calories are about the same. There are probably several reasons behind this but most likely it's that protein is replaced by carbohydrates which are not used for fuel and stored as fat, and the increase in water that goes along with glycogen storage. Protein also helps you feel full so you might be less snacky!
Stay active! I prefer a combination of cardio and strength workouts for most of my clients but overall just keeping an active (8,000 or more steps plus 2-3 workouts per week) lifestyle will help you not gain weight when your calories are a little higher than usual- you might find you have more oomph for your workouts with the extra energy intake!
That is it in a nutshell! I don’t think you need to track everything you eat. I don’t think you need to do an hour on the elliptical to burn off the ice cream. I do think that (mostly) following a meal plan and a workout program is a great standard procedure even during the summer which is why I always offer a summer training program and new this year meal plan bundles! If you think you might benefit from one of these, you can check them out here:
Summer Sweat Workout Program (includes meal plans!)
Summer Meal Plans
You may find your weight goes up for a couple days and then comes down for a couple days based on how you’re eating and moving. That’s to be expected, so don’t jump to conclusions if you see a higher number for a few days. If it keeps creeping up and you don’t want it to, then try these tips !
Let me know if you find them helpful or reach out if you have questions!
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