Eating Healthy Isn't Hard...

… So why does it feel that way?

We make it hard. There are so many “right” ways to eat, so many “guilt-free foods” we should eat more of and “bad foods” we should never eat- or so we are told. And So. Many. Options. Is there really though? Or is that the food and diet industry making money on us???

If we haven’t met, you should know that I’m a natural over-complicator for many things. I think through every possible outcome and try to be prepared for each and every scenario - hello fellow enneagram 6’s! On my own, I approach food and meal planning this same way and I get lost between tracking, planning and cooking, putting in way more work than I needed to and I’ve had plenty of clients who get caught up in this, too.

It doesn’t have to be this hard. I have an easier way.

If you find eating healthy confusing because of marketing messages, and struggle to know what to eat and how to even make it happen this post should offer some relief.

Let’s start at the basic level and work our way in, shall we? At its core, all food that provides energy for our bodies is good for us, so getting over labels like good and bad, where it’s all or nothing is a good first step. Reframing how we think of foods is important and helps diminish the pressure and power food can hold over us.

Remember: you are an adult and you can choose what goes in your mouth!

When we look at food as FUEL for our bodies, we are empowered to make beneficial choices and not feel deprived or out of control. Asking the question “what does my body need and how do I get it?” is my favorite way to breakdown meal planning or heck even deciding what to eat at a restaurant.

Asking the questions, “what do I feel like?” and “what do I want?” are NOT helpful at reducing our overwhelm nor do the answers usually point us to what our bodies need. So if that’s how you’ve been choosing your meal lately, you can quickly make it easier by not letting your wants and feelings dictate your food choices on a regular basis.

All bodies need carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These are commonly called macronutrients or “macros” in the fitness lingo. Natural foods (my definition- things made by the earth, not factories) usually fall primarily into one category, with a few overlapping two. You’ll notice this is NOT the food pyramid from elementary school- it’s even simpler, yay!

Common carbs: grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes*

Common fats: nuts*, oils, avocados, dairy & cheeses*

Common proteins: meats, fish, legumes, nuts, dairy*

*means it overlaps into two categories

Here’s my simple strategy for building a meal that gives my body a little bit of everything it needs: I think of three spots on my pate and pick a food from each macro category! Yes it’s that easy. Plug and chug. I help many of my clients with meals and have a free 5 day meal plan you can use to get started. Tap here to get it in your inbox.

The only thing you want to still pay attention to is the amount of each that you eat which again isn’t that complicated. Learning basic portion size guidelines and having a target in mind based on your body size, age and activity level is really all you need! I love doing this math so if you want help with this, set up a free consultation with me and I’ll help you out!

I also highly recommend this resource from Precision Nutrition (not affiliated) for a handy cheat sheet while you’re learning and revisit every now and then. It’s helpful to “calibrate your eyeballs” as I like to call it, since portion sizes can get distorted when we eat out and have lots of potlucks!

So can you be healthy if you only eat donuts and milk?

Well if that’s your meal of choice, it has carbs, fats and protein, so if you eat enough, your body will have the energy it needs to get through the day. But does it have all of the building blocks to repair and regrow cells and fight infections? Probably not without supplementation of vitamins and minerals! Quantity yes, quality not so much.

This is where there’s a disconnect in my mind between the weight-loss industry and the healthy-less-disease-more-longevity champions. Quality does matter especially over time, and while it is simple, it’s a process to become normal! Give it time, and get help from someone who’s been there, so you don’t give up!

I have some great meals you can use as starting points in this meal plan. Get it in your inbox here.

Long Story Short:

  • It’s not hard to figure out which foods do what for our bodies

  • It’s not hard to figure out how much of what can help us reach our goals

  • Focusing on eating what our bodies need to thrive is a great way to build your meals

  • The fastest way to see progress is to get help from a professional! DIY, guess and check can work but it usually takes longer, you might give up too early!

Stay tuned for more tips and info, or poke around the freebies and fitness section of my site.

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Heather Dixon